Saturday, January 19, 2013

I hate to whine, but sometimes you just gotta cut the cheese.

I have been wanting to write a post for the month but just haven't felt like I've had much to say.  I have refrained for fear of getting too worked up and saying some things I might regret but I think now..."it is time." (as rafiki would say)

I absolutely hate those people that seem to have everything figured out. (You know the type I'm talking about) they go to college and know EXACTLY what they are going to major in, get married, have a kid, and still go to school, and manage to have a life on top of everything.  Or there are those that get to live off of Mommy & Daddy's money and everything is figured out for them.  This hate monster got fired up over a conversation I overheard at Taco Bandido last night that went something like this....

Person #1- "Hey!....How is Rebecca doing? I haven't seen her since we graduated high school."

Person #2- "Oh she is doing great.  Her and her husband are both finishing their Masters degrees at BYU, and they are expecting their first kid in a few weeks."    

Me thinking to myself- (HOLY S***! How in the heck are they still married!!? I know for a fact being a full time student would add a a lot of stress in my life, plus being a hormonal basket case would be the breaking point. And a Masters degree?....COME ON!, I couldn't even figure out what I wanted to major in for my stupid Associates degree let alone 8-12 more years of school.) Needless to say, I rolled my eyes and was a little peeved at this couple I didn't even know.

The two men visited a little longer, but I lost track of the conversation due to the jumble of chaos that was enveloping my brain.  

I am a person that thrives on goals.  I like having things planned out to work towards, and I'm sure most of us are like this.  When I hit high school my goal was to graduate.  After graduation, it was attend college.  I had no clue what I was going to do at college, but everyone around me told me it was what I needed to do, so I just went along with it.  I loved college life.  Hated classes, but the atmosphere was exciting, busy, and full of friends. I hit college and my next goal was an associates degree.  I was thinking a mission would be in line next, but a certain boy came along that set my eternity in motion.  Then of course my goal was the wedding and getting everything planned! It was the most exciting time of my life!  (If some of you that are reading this are not married, I strongly encourage you to do it!)  

Marriage is the best thing that has happened to me.  I don't know how I could have gotten through these last two years without Case by my side.  After the wedding excitement was over, I figured I'd go back to school.  Everyone kept asking me when I was starting back up, so I just assumed I had to go.  I registered for online classes, and instantly hated life.  Casey asked me if I was going to school for me, or for somebody else.  It was that moment I realized I wasn't making myself happy.  I was doing it to please other people.  I didn't enroll in classes after that, and instantly felt like the world was judging me. 

I guess the reason I'm writing this post is to stand up for myself.  I am happy being a clogging teacher, and doing a little bit of photography here and there.  (By the way, if you think my photography isn't the best, it's not.  But practice makes perfect and I'll keep practicing until I get better.  I appreciate constructive criticism, but certain people need to keep their opinions to themselves)  If my husband died tomorrow I am completely capable of going out and getting a job in Burley, Idaho.  True, it may not be a money maker, but I'm not the type of girl who wants to live in a $500,000 house and drive ridiculous vehicles, and go shop at the buckle every day.  I'll manage, because I'm strong, and was raised right by parent's that taught me the meaning of the word "work."  

So this is to all of you that think I'm stupid for not getting a bachelors degree.  Turns out, school isn't for me.  But I can guarantee that I am going to be better off than half of you out there with your fancy pieces of paper and student loans to pay off.  I am doing what makes me happy.  That is right...ME and no one can take that away from me!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012...a good year gone

As I'm sitting here on the couch watching Netflix with Casey asleep on my lap, I thought it would be a good time as any to reflect on 2012....

I took a photography class from CSI / had an amazing teacher that inspired me to do something I never thought I could / worked my 3rd season spraying weeds for the county / spent spring break in Vegas / celebrated the big 22 (sick) / celebrated our first year of marriage (Case, I love you more and more each day you sexy beast) / started "Keely Richman Photography" / spent the whole day on the river for the 4th / got to take every 4-H kid's picture at the fair (I would rather shoot myself in the foot) / learned how to water ski / celebrated the big 26 / took a road trip to Coeur D'alene Idaho for Casey's birthday / discovered Kellogg (the place, not the cereal) /  started teaching clogging lessons in Almo / had the garage door fall on our car / had an amazing week at Alturas Lake / had to deal with the worlds worst neighbors / kicked them out / decided to move upstairs so we deep cleaned and repainted every room (thanks Mom) / saw the baby boom of 2012 (27 of my friends were prego at one time) / saw some friends go through some hard times, and others good / had my first experience with online classes uh...NEVER AGAIN! /  Casey and I joined a gym / started work at a flower shop / and spent dang near every day with the love of my life.  What can I say...I am one lucky girl.  I am so grateful for all of my friends and family that support me in all I do.  Here's to you 2013, may you be full of happiness, joy, and blessings for all.