Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012...a good year gone

As I'm sitting here on the couch watching Netflix with Casey asleep on my lap, I thought it would be a good time as any to reflect on 2012....

I took a photography class from CSI / had an amazing teacher that inspired me to do something I never thought I could / worked my 3rd season spraying weeds for the county / spent spring break in Vegas / celebrated the big 22 (sick) / celebrated our first year of marriage (Case, I love you more and more each day you sexy beast) / started "Keely Richman Photography" / spent the whole day on the river for the 4th / got to take every 4-H kid's picture at the fair (I would rather shoot myself in the foot) / learned how to water ski / celebrated the big 26 / took a road trip to Coeur D'alene Idaho for Casey's birthday / discovered Kellogg (the place, not the cereal) /  started teaching clogging lessons in Almo / had the garage door fall on our car / had an amazing week at Alturas Lake / had to deal with the worlds worst neighbors / kicked them out / decided to move upstairs so we deep cleaned and repainted every room (thanks Mom) / saw the baby boom of 2012 (27 of my friends were prego at one time) / saw some friends go through some hard times, and others good / had my first experience with online classes uh...NEVER AGAIN! /  Casey and I joined a gym / started work at a flower shop / and spent dang near every day with the love of my life.  What can I say...I am one lucky girl.  I am so grateful for all of my friends and family that support me in all I do.  Here's to you 2013, may you be full of happiness, joy, and blessings for all.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Miss Keely! Sounds like you had an awesome year!
