Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Catching up on Thanks!

10th- I"m thankful for my High School friends that I still keep in touch with.  Went to cattle country and talked for a few hours with Jen, and it was great!  I have found that friendships are just like marriage.  It takes work on both sides, and it's great to know I have friends that are willing to meet me halfway.  That's what makes it work!  So thanks Jen!

11th-I am grateful for my husbands willingness to work.  Our crazy upstairs neighbors moved out, so Casey and I spent the day cleaning, and by cleaning, we tackled the first layer of dirt, in, on, and around the cupboards.  It's going to be a lot of work, but I can't wait to get things torn out, painted, and FINISHED!!!  Stay tuned the next few months...there will be plenty of before and after pictures to keep you entertained.

12th-I am not going to go into detail on this post, because I would regret it later, but I am grateful for Mr. Olsen.  Now I'm sure I confused the heck out of you, in thinking that I'm grateful for my chiropractor, but I'll just say that Mr. Olsen is taking care of a small problem that we have encountered.  Thank you thank you thank you for helping us!!!!

13th-So those of you that know my dad....well, none of you know my dad like I do, but lets just say that he has a funny sense of humor that shines at times when I want to murder him.  He can make you laugh after the fact, but in the moment...he needs to work on it.  To make me feel better though, him and my mom got Casey and I tickets to the Bar-J Wranglers next month.  Were excited about that, so thanks dad, for letting that bright sense of humor shine at the wrong time.  I am soo so grateful for my dad, however difficult he may be some times.

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