Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Our neighbors are moving out!

The 8th- I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so THANKFUL that our trashy, rude, inconsiderate, loud, obnoxious, lying neighbors are moving out today. (Trust me...that's putting it nicely.)

For those of you that know me, I am a pretty nice and patient person when it comes to people. However, if any of you ran into me these past few months, I may have seemed a little up tight and on edge.  My patience cup has been overflowing since the first week these people moved in, so this may help explain my situation.

I am not going to go into depth on this because I know my blood pressure will sky rocket, but here is a list of things that happened, just so I can look back on this in 30 years and think, "OMG, I can't believe that we put up with that and dealt with it for 2 1/2 months.  Casey, we were crazy!"

Used all of my laundry soap.   Snapped my lily stems in my flower bed and trampled a few other flowers.  Garbage garbage and more garbage thrown all over the yard.  Painted the door frame with red paint.  Kept locking us out of the garage to do our laundry, so I made Casey take the doorknob off.  (Lock me out now b******!)  Blasted their circus music.  Taped up our light poles with royal blue tape.  The contract said absolutely NO PETS.  Yup, they got a dog, and a pigeon.  Constantly had to clean up water that leaked down through the floor boards.  They moved another family in with them.  Obviously Case and I didn't get a hot shower.  They screamed, cursed, and yelled...every day.

So here it is, the 8th of November and I am so so oh so thankful to have our neighbors moving out.  It's going to be a great day!  Oh it's going to be a GLORIOUS day!!!  Happy 8th everyone.  Keep being thankful!

If none of this made any sense at all, Casey and I live downstairs and the neighbors were upstairs in our duplex.

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